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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Using Istio routing rules to reduce data sharing risks

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The GOV.UK Verify Proxy Node is a component of Government Digital Service (GDS) integration with the eIDAS framework. The Proxy Node is deployed on the GDS Supported Platform (GSP), a Kubernetes-based platform that provides standard systems and tooling for building, deploying and monitoring GDS applications.

Choosing an open source tool 

We knew regulatory requirements and the sensitive nature of the data shared between GDS and the eIDAS framework meant that security was crucial. We had several sessions with the GDS Information Assurance team, the project team and colleagues from the National Cyber Security Centre. 

We decided to use open source Istio to mitigate some of the risks. We chose Istio because it provides:

  • layer 7 routing rules that work with the layer 4 network policy resources native to Kubernetes
  • mutual TLS, both internal and external
  • HTTP request end-to-end tracing across multiple microservices
  • egress traffic control

There are also several other aspects of Istio that made it an attractive choice for the team, including:

  • traffic shaping, to support canary-style deployments and A/B testing 
  • service to service authorisation rules

Securing the Proxy Node

The GSP is based on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). To provide security for the Proxy Node and its data we used an AWS CloudHSM, with strict controls over which components were able to connect to this external resource. There are 2 components, residing in different namespaces, that connect to the CloudHSM over a TCP connection on ports 2223-5.

We were using EKS version 1.12 and Istio version 1.1.4.

We installed Istio using a Helm Chart, a programme that helps manage Kubernetes applications. 

These are the relevant parts of the values.yaml:

  k8sIngressSelector: ingressgateway
    enabled: true
    accessLogFile: "/dev/stdout"
  enabled: true
    enabled: true
    - port: 80
      name: http2
    - port: 443
      name: https
      # This is the port where sni routing happens
    - port: 15443
      targetPort: 15443
      name: tls
    - port: 2223
      name: tcp-cloudhsm-2223
  enableNamespacesByDefault: true
  rewriteAppHTTPProbe: true

We followed the example given in Istio’s documentation to remove arbitrary egress directly, forcing all egress traffic (out of the cluster) to route via something in istio-system:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: allow-egress-to-istio-system-and-kube-dns
  namespace: proxy-node
  podSelector: {}
  - Egress
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          kube-system: "true"
    - protocol: UDP
      port: 53
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          istio: system
  - to:
    - namespaceSelector:
          namespace: proxy-node

If you’re doing something similar, you’ll need to add the kube-system and istio labels referenced here as they are not present in a default install. 

We also added a to block, which was not included in the Istio documentation example, to allow all egress within the namespace. Most people find it easier to reason about traffic rules on an ingress basis so this block allows that by re-enabling all local egress.

At this point of the project, we’d: 

  • disabled arbitrary egress from all but the istio-system and kube-system namespaces - we plan on limiting arbitrary egress from these namespaces in the future
  • enabled mutual TLS globally within the Istio service mesh
  • added an injected Istio sidecar to every pod in the affected namespaces

The next task was to use Istio’s traffic management resources to allow the 2 components to communicate with the CloudHSM. We used a blog post on using external services to help with this.

However, that and most of the examples in Istio documentation only covered a single endpoint from a single application in a single namespace. Our need spanned several namespaces. 

Figuring out which of the resources documented in the examples needed to be placed in which namespaces was the piece missing from the existing documentation.

As the CloudHSM is outside the service mesh, we needed to add a ServiceEntry. Some of the configuration goes into a “common” namespace, which in this case is istio-system, while other parts of the configuration is applied to the application-specific namespaces.

kind: ServiceEntry
  name: cloudhsm-2223
  namespace: istio-system
  - cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
  - name: tcp-2223
    number: 2223
    protocol: TCP
  location: MESH_EXTERNAL
  resolution: STATIC
  - address:

We did not use the hosts entry as a fully qualified domain name in the DNS sense, as it connects to the CloudHSM via IPv4 address. However, we used it to tie together the various resources for this particular route.

You’ll see the “-2223” suffix in the code example. This is because the CloudHSM connectivity spans ports 2223-5 and these all need repeating for 2224 and 2225. The code examples here will only show 2223.

We needed to redirect the traffic leaving the pod to the istio-egressgateway in the istio-system namespace. That required a VirtualService. We needed to add this to each namespace that wants to make use of this connection.

kind: VirtualService
  name: proxy-node-cloudhsm-2223-egress
  namespace: proxy-node
  - cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
  - mesh
  - match:
    - gateways:
      - mesh
      port: 2223
        talksToHsm: "true"
    - destination:
        host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
        subset: proxy-node-cloudhsm-2223-egress
          number: 443
  - "."

The use of sourceLabels limits which pods are allowed to use this route. Similarly, exportTo limits the exposure of the route definition to the current namespace to prevent an overlap.

We added a redirection in port from 2223 to 443. This is because the connection with the istio-egressgateway is secured with mutual TLS. Traffic from this pod is tagged as being part of an Istio subset, the behaviour of which is governed by a DestinationRule that handles connectivity with the istio-egressgateway.

kind: DestinationRule
  name: proxy-node-egressgateway-for-cloudhsm-2223
  namespace: proxy-node
  host: istio-egressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
  - name: proxy-node-cloudhsm-2223-egress
      - port:
          number: 443
          mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL
          sni: cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
  - "."

The istio-egressgateway needs to be configured to listen for the incoming connection. We did this with a Gateway resource.

kind: Gateway
  name: cloudhsm-egress-2223
  namespace: istio-system
    istio: egressgateway
  - port:
      number: 443
      name: tls-cloudhsm-2223
      protocol: TLS
    - cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
      mode: MUTUAL
      serverCertificate: /etc/certs/cert-chain.pem
      privateKey: /etc/certs/key.pem
      caCertificates: /etc/certs/root-cert.pem

The locations of the certificates and keys are important. These are provided by Istio (citadel, specifically) and mounted automatically.

At this point, the istio-egressgateway needed a route definition for what to do with the CloudHSM-bound traffic that reaches it. We used a VirtualService for this.

kind: VirtualService
  name: cloudhsm-egress-2223
  namespace: istio-sytem
  - cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
  - cloudhsm-egress-2223
  - match:
    - gateways:
      - cloudhsm-egress-2223
      port: 443
    - destination:
        host: cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
          number: 2223
      weight: 100

The final piece in the puzzle is the DestinationRule to handle the final segment.

kind: DestinationRule
  name: proxy-node-cloudhsm-2223-egress
  namespace: proxy-node
  host: cloudhsm-2223.tcp.svc
  - "."

We did not need this DestinationRule when routing an HTTP, HTTPS or TLS service via the istio-egressgateway. It only appears to be necessary when routing TCP services. It’s also not clear why this resource cannot live in the common namespace.

At this point, a pod in the verify-proxy namespace that carries the label talksToHsm: "true" will be able to establish a TCP connection, via mutual TLS with the istio-egressgateway, to the CloudHSM.

You can also use the examples above to cover traffic over HTTP and HTTPS (or via TLS using Server Name Indication). At this point, you can switch back to the Istio documentation for the rest of the instructions. What we’ve shown here is how and where to split the various resources across the namespaces to ensure connectivity.

If you’re doing something similar and have found our experience helpful, we’d like to hear from you. You can get in touch by leaving a comment below.

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