Solving an interesting problem with Sender Policy Framework records

The Securing Government Services team found and fixed a curious problem regarding email security
The Securing Government Services team found and fixed a curious problem regarding email security
The world record for solving a scrambled Rubik's cube is 4.22 seconds. But what can this teach us about using AI in government?
The Open Standards team was asked 4 years ago by the Open Standards Board to help government publish documents in a more open, transparent and accessible way. We’ve since made progress in achieving these objectives but we still have more …
The Local Government Association (LGA) contacted the Open Standards Team and asked for our help to increase accessibility of election results.
The Open Standards Board has issued date-times and time-stamps guidance mandating the use of the ISO 8601 standard on UK government IT systems. ISO 8601 displays dates and times in order of increasing accuracy. For example, the stamp 2017-01-25T12:34:56+00:00 …
StackTech is an unconference that brings together technologists from departments across the country. Unlike a traditional conference, attendees pitch ideas on the day and then run sessions. The third StackTech took place at the end of October this year. Summarising an …
At GDS, “make things open,” is something you hear on a daily basis. In my new role as the GDS Open Standards Lead, I’m helping to make sure we do this, ensuring we choose the best open standards, and promote …
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