Simple things are complicated: making a show password option

Adding a ‘show password’ option to GOV.UK accounts looked like a straightforward task, but it was more interesting and complicated than we expected.
Adding a ‘show password’ option to GOV.UK accounts looked like a straightforward task, but it was more interesting and complicated than we expected.
We’ve enabled HTTP/2 on GOV.UK to help improve the site’s performance. Here we look at what HTTP/2 is, how it improves performance, and the impact it has had on our users.
The Cyber Security team at GDS discovered it was using a vulnerable container. Here’s how the team fixed the issue and made its clean container publicly available.
Our team is building a Platform as a Service (PaaS) for government so developers can quickly and easily host websites. We’re using the open source Cloud Foundry (CF) technology to ensure reliable hosting, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for our …
Over the past 18 months or so we've devoted a lot of effort to the programme of migrating our confusing mix of publishing mechanisms to a new, more efficient centralised architecture. We've written a fair amount already about the progress of the migration and some parts of …
As GOV.UK gets bigger, we often need to revisit the ways that we originally solved some problems. One thing that's changed recently is how we prepare for disaster recovery. Disaster Recovery The reality of working in technology is that software …
This post is now outdated. For a more up-to-date explanation of applying to GDS please read Applying for a job at GDS: update. Over the next few months we will be recruiting for a number of roles, including developers and …