How we reduced errors on GOV.UK

All websites run into errors. We’ve reduced our errors by over 90% and changed our culture around errors so they are identified, owned and resolved quickly.
All websites run into errors. We’ve reduced our errors by over 90% and changed our culture around errors so they are identified, owned and resolved quickly.
GDS are recruiting for someone to lead on creation of the next generation of GOV.UK’s technical architecture, and to head up the community of technologists who will build this future. Find out more information about the role and how to apply.
From new development processes to cultural practices, Chris gives the lowdown on how developing at GDS is different from other organisations.
By making the switch to continuous deployment on one of the government’s busiest services, DWP has reduced downtime on Find a job and released updates faster to provide benefits to users.
Catch up on all the highlights from our Build your Docs career conference.
There are many different tools and skills required for different content roles, and these requirements vary by job and over time. Writing technical documentation is a specialised role, and because of this us documenters often have to take responsibility for …
For the first time, the Government Digital Service is joining forces with a number of departments to hire Technical Architects.
We thought we’d try and explain the approach we’ve adopted to hiring and nurturing the right development skills. We realise it may not be clear to those not part of GDS why we solely advertise for full stack developers but …
As the Government Digital Service (GDS) continues to take on new challenges, we're looking for a number of developers and web operations engineers to join us. The successful candidates will work across the full range of platforms and services that …
Until recently, career development for technologists at GDS was relatively unstructured, and dependent on what opportunities came up. Over the last few months I’ve been leading on developing a more structured career path for developers and web operations engineers. This …