Technical Writer, Khidr Suleman attended a cross-government API Standards event at the end of October. The event provided an opportunity to discuss how to promote common principles of API design to make them easy to implement across government. A total …
When preparing to update the GOV.UK search engine, a code change resulted in missing or duplicated search results. Find out how our search team fixed this issue, what we’ve learnt and the safeguards we’ve put in place to prevent it …
StackTech is an unconference that brings together technologists from departments across the country. Unlike a traditional conference, attendees pitch ideas on the day and then run sessions. The third StackTech took place at the end of October this year. Summarising an …
...biggest technical architecture challenges at the centre of government. If you’re interested in applying for a role as a technical architect in government, please see the Civil Service Jobs page....
StackTech is a cross-government unconference that brings together technologists to discuss common issues and solutions. The event is a great opportunity to network and meet new people. Our third StackTech will be held on 24 October from 09:30 to 16:00 …
Technical Writer on GaaP, Jonathan Glassman, recently attended the API The Docs conference, organised by our very own technical writer community at GDS and Write the Docs. Find out what he learned...
There seems to be a common belief among front-end developers that progressive enhancement is either old fashioned or has simply been replaced by single page applications. This is a problem of perception. We’d like to explain why we use progressive …
Over the past year at GDS, we’ve been working hard to create a strong technology community. Recently we took a day out of the office together. The GDS Technology community is pretty big – just over 90 civil servants and …
One of the GDS design principles is to do the hard work to make things simple. As part of the work we’ve been doing to migrate our publishing platforms, we’ve been simplifying the infrastructure of our search system. Lots of …
I spoke recently at the Business Reporter’s Data Security in the Cloud event about how security has changed to face the reality of the modern internet era. The old world of assurance and compliance and ‘security says no’ won't cut …