Help us improve government data standards

Calling all data practitioners, data leaders and creators, we need your feedback on our data standards proposal and demo code to help us improve data collection and sharing across government.
Calling all data practitioners, data leaders and creators, we need your feedback on our data standards proposal and demo code to help us improve data collection and sharing across government.
GDS has made it easier for small public sector organisations to set up and use GOV.UK Pay. Previously, it could take some organisations up to 6 months before they could take payments through GOV.UK Pay. Now users can get set up and take payments from citizens on the same day.
Find out about the Canadian government’s cross-government API Store, how the DVSA improved staff morale with mobile working, tips on delivering APIs as a product manager and more.
The GDS Reliability Engineering team had to find some inventive workarounds to get the Alertmanager open source software package working on a managed container service. Here’s a detailed look at how we did it.
By making the switch to continuous deployment on one of the government’s busiest services, DWP has reduced downtime on Find a job and released updates faster to provide benefits to users.
The Government Digital Service recently updated guidance on frontend performance. We focus heavily on improving web performance as GOV.UK is accessed from various devices and connectivity. Here’s why you need to focus on it too.
The GDS Technology Policy team outlines improvements to the Technology Code of Practice to make it more relevant to all government organisations.
Emerging technologies are creating lots of buzz and the Government Digital Service (GDS) has released guidance on how the public sector should think about using these solutions.
HM Land Registry talks through the steps it's taking to modernise and how it’s going to meet the needs of users in the digital world.
Learn about the challenges we faced when switching to contract testing and the benefits we’ve gained by moving away from expensive end-to-end testing.