Introducing our new chatbot and webchat guidance and case studies

We’ve published new guidance and case studies on using chatbot and webchats, to help government organisations make the most out of these tools and meet user needs.
We’ve published new guidance and case studies on using chatbot and webchats, to help government organisations make the most out of these tools and meet user needs.
I joined GDS as a Technical Architect. I have always wanted to develop my own style and my own understanding of architecture. Here’s what I’ve learned over the last 3 years.
Our second CTA drop-in session focused on agile architectures and how we can use these across government.
Join us at our next cross-government technology event on 18 October.
The world record for solving a scrambled Rubik's cube is 4.22 seconds. But what can this teach us about using AI in government?
Here’s what the GOV.UK Platform as a Service (PaaS) team worked on during its April firebreak.
Catch up on all the highlights from our Build your Docs career conference.
...biggest technical architecture challenges at the centre of government. If you’re interested in applying for a role as a technical architect in government, please see the Civil Service Jobs page....
Technical Writer on GaaP, Jonathan Glassman, recently attended the API The Docs conference, organised by our very own technical writer community at GDS and Write the Docs. Find out what he learned...
We have a growing community of technical writers in government focused on writing documentation and guidance for technologists. Next week we’ll be holding our second mini conference this year on how to write documentation in an agile environment. The event …