Find out how the Local Land Charges team at HM Land Registry has helped local authorities in England to standardise and migrate local land charges register information to one central, accessible place.
Find out how you can get an API domain on GOV.UK and what updates we’ve made to the API and data standards.
Find out how the Pay team used Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) to increase its pace, have a more predictable timeline, and improve team morale.
The fifth API and Data Exchange Community of Practice event in Leeds focused on tech and data standards, API strategies, data streaming, documentation and more.
Calling all data practitioners, data leaders and creators, we need your feedback on our data standards proposal and demo code to help us improve data collection and sharing across government.
GDS has made it easier for small public sector organisations to set up and use GOV.UK Pay. Previously, it could take some organisations up to 6 months before they could take payments through GOV.UK Pay. Now users can get set up and take payments from citizens on the same day.
The Government Digital Service (GDS) has partnered up with the NHS to hold its next API Community of Practice event in Leeds. As well as speakers from the NHS, we’ll have presentations speakers from the DWP, HMRC, and Network Rail, and an unconference session.
Find out how we used the Payment Request API standard and how we managed encryption. We explain why we chose to use Apple’s JavaScript API and not use the Google Pay API.
Find out about the Canadian government’s cross-government API Store, how the DVSA improved staff morale with mobile working, tips on delivering APIs as a product manager and more.
The GDS Reliability Engineering team had to find some inventive workarounds to get the Alertmanager open source software package working on a managed container service. Here’s a detailed look at how we did it.